London Living Rent and Shared Ownership is one of the Government’s key policy interventions aimed at reversing the current decline in home ownership across the UK and in particular across London.
There are approximately 175,000 households owned on a shared ownership basis, with this new initiative the Government are looking to increase these numbers by up to 30,000 per annum.
Previously Affordable Housing has mostly been provided through planning obligations contained within the section 106 agreement.
Increasingly Registered Providers are buying development sites direct, ahead of the private house builders but there are skills gaps in both the Local Authorities and the Registered Providers for much of the development consultancy process.
The Registered Providers value the commercial expertise that can be sourced through consultancy partnerships and agency appointments with our specialist Affordable Housing team.
At Dexters we specialise in providing Affordable Housing consultancy services on both Shared Ownership and London Living Rent, offering advice on unit; size, mix, orientation, specification and pricing along with advice on sales, rental and marketing strategies to ensure success rates are met and exceeded.
We have over 70,000 qualified buyers and tenants on our mailing list, many of whom would be interested in buying on a shared ownership basis or renting affordably and through qualification we have identified a large percentage of these buyers and tenants who are eligible.
Dexters have worked for many Registered Providers and Local Authorities including: Network Homes, Notting Hill Housing, Catalyst Housing, Metropolitan Housing, A2 Dominion, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and The Royal Borough of Kingston Upon Thames.
For more information please contact us.
T: 020 8296 1602
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